Navapara Colony, SECL Chhal, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, 496665

Aim And Objectives  

Our Aim
Swami Dayanand holds aloft education as the greatest and most valuable asset for a person.  He says, “A man without education is only a man in name.” He considers it is a bounden duty of a man to get education, become virtuous, be free from malice and preach for the well-being of people--propagating the cause of righteousness.We have been working and giving education to the children with an aim to produce honest and truthful citizens armed with the gear of Truth and armour of Honesty, striving towards attaining the goal of Competitive Education with Moral Values.
We stress on the making of true human beings.  We do not wish to produce mere specialists and technicians but to produce civilized human beings.  We do want to give to our nation engineers, doctors, scientists and teachers but our endeavour is that they should not cease to be human and humane.  We believe that right education will impart not only knowledge and skill but also humanity and virtue.  This is what we call,‘MAN-MAKING EDUCATION’.


  • Intellectual development by encouraging curiosity, creativity to foster scientific temper and thinking skills.
  • Physical development by inculcating personal hygiene, basis of health and providing opportunities for sports and games.
  • Emotional development by building self esteem, confidence and a positive outlook.
  • Social and moral development by disseminating Vedic values and universal brotherhood.
  • Aesthetic development by creating a culture of music, dance and art in the ambience.



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Navapara Colony, SECL Chhal,
Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, 496665
E-Mail :- davchhal@gmail.com

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